Dentist harmony splint Mainz

Perfect smile with straight teeth!

Your specialist in Mainz for straight teeth using the Harmony Splint

Gentle and discreet – especially for adults

In our dental surgery in Mainz, we treat misalignments of the front teeth gently over a period of about 3–6 weeks. The desire for straight teeth and a radiant smile can be easily realised with near-invisible splints, so-called aligners, from the specialist orthodontic laboratory Orthos. These Harmony Splints work like invisible braces and are changed every 7–14 days. They do not interfere with your daily routine.

Correction of misaligned teeth – invisible splint, a great impact!

A Harmony Splint is a transparent flexible splint – comparable to braces – that is made individually for each patient. It can be used to correct misalignments in the front teeth region easily and invisibly. It’s as gentle as a contact lens and does not interfere with speech. This makes the Harmony Splint a particularly good solution for adults.

Together with you, your dentist will determine the optimal position of your teeth and give you a new smile using invisible Harmony Splints.

Let us advise you

The splint therapy for your teeth

Orthos Specialist Laboratory for Orthodontics GmbH

Treatment with the Harmony Splint for flawless teeth is based on a tried and tested aligner system from the Orthos specialist orthodontic laboratory. This transparent splint fulfils the purpose of a brace – but you can also wear it all day in everyday life.

Unlike fixed braces, which children often wear, the Harmony Splint is the better alternative for adults. These invisible braces can easily be worn during the day without anyone noticing.

Harmony Splint – the individual treatment and correction of misaligned teeth that is hardly noticeable but makes a big difference to a patient’s teeth and smile.

Professional partner of our dental surgery

Like many other dentists in Germany, we at the RHEIN WEISS dental surgery trust the excellent expertise of the Orthos Specialist Laboratory for Orthodontics.
With the Harmony Splint, we offer our adult patients the best treatment for beautiful and straight teeth. As an early treatment, these invisible braces, or more precisely this splint on the teeth, can very quickly bring about great successes for patients who only want to make small corrections to their teeth or cosmetic corrections such as slight misalignments of their teeth. But also larger impairments of the teeth, such as rotated teeth, can be straightened using these transparent dental splints.

We look at each individual case carefully and advise our patients extensively before we start actually treating their teeth.

"Straight teeth smile more beautiful!" 

Short treatment time –
five steps to the most beautiful smile:

  1. We make impressions of the upper and lower jaw and send them to the Orthos specialist laboratory.
  2. The laboratory creates a quotation
  3. You receive your first set of splints
  4. We accompany your treatment with regular check-ups
  5. The correction of your teeth is secured with retainer splints or retainer wires.

Through treatment with invisible splints, we help you to get the teeth and the smile that you’ve perhaps always wanted.

You can also find more information at

Harmony Splint materials

These invisible braces for adults are made in the Orthos specialist laboratory in Frankfurt or Weimar and are made of an exclusive material. The specially developed BioForcePro® aligner material surpasses anything already available in dentistry. 

The material’s properties are designed to bring about an optimal and even transfer of force from the teeth – from day one, over the entire period of wear.

What does the BioForcePro® material ensure?

  • High wearing comfort
  • Secure hold
  • Constant correction of the teeth

What are the advantages of the Harmony Splint?

  • A light weight of 2.5 g
  • Low feeling of pressure when changing the splints
  • Less pressure pain when getting used to the splint
  • Noticeable long-term effect

Everyday life with your Harmony Splint

Ongoing support from your Mainz dentist is very important during treatment. Starting with taking the impression for your new splints, a visit to our surgery is necessary every time you change your splints, up to the final check of your tooth correction.

What happens next?

You leave the dentist with your new aligners and wonder what will happen next? Similar to braces, these aligners are a novelty that you first have to get used to. But thanks to their high level of wearing comfort, you get used to them quickly and the correction of your teeth takes place during your private and professional life.

The treatment duration ranges from three months to half a year.

Beautiful teeth with the HarmonieSplint: Maximum comfort for patients, maximum treatment results!

High durability

Aesthetic and inconspicuous

Protection of own teeth

Any questions, suggestions, preferred appointment times?

We look forward to hearing from you by calling 06131 32 78 70 , by email at or book your appointment directly:

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