Dentist Veneers Mainz

Perfect results for a radiant smile

Your specialist for veneers in Mainz

Enhancing the shape and colour of your teeth

A wafer-thin, translucent shell made of ceramic or a plastic-ceramic mixture is bonded to the tooth surface during treatment and is especially suitable for front teeth.

Veneers are a good solution for slight misalignments of the teeth, broken teeth, gaps between the teeth, damage to the enamel and dark discolouration on the teeth as well as a darker original colour. These small blemishes disappear easily behind the ceramic veneers – for an aesthetic appearance with white teeth and a stunning smile.

The use of veneers is just as gentle on the patient’s tooth substance as ceramic inlays. Another advantage over crowns: ceramic veneers give visible teeth surfaces an optimised appearance in shape and colour. However, even with veneers, a small amount of your tooth substance must be removed by the dentist so that these thin shells can be attached to affected teeth.

Veneers in three steps

If you decide to have veneer treatment, you can tell your dentist your wishes in a personal consultation. You will be informed about the treatment procedure and the costs involved.

Dental veneers are individually fitted by the dentist. Therefore, two treatment appointments are usually required. The first treatment is dedicated to making the veneers and the second to fitting them and attaching them to your real teeth.

This treatment is easily done in three steps at the dentist.

We will be happy to advise you and discuss your individual treatment options with you.


Treatment procedure

1. Impression 

The dentist prepares your teeth for the application of the ceramic veneers. To do this, he or she lightly removes a millimetre-thin layer of enamel from the tooth surface. We perform this procedure under a local anaesthetic.

The prepared teeth are now ready for the impression – an impression of your teeth that is needed to make the veneers. To protect your teeth, your dentist will apply porcelain at some points as temporary protection.

2. Fabrication

Based on the impression of your teeth, our dental technician makes the appropriate veneers in our surgery’s own laboratory. To do this, he fills plaster into the mould of the impression and produces the ceramic veneers by hand.

It takes about two weeks until the temporary ceramic protection on your teeth can be exchanged for the classic veneers, during which time your individual ceramic veneers are made.

3. Fitting & insertion

Before you can try on your all-ceramic veneers, your dentist will first remove the temporary ceramic protection.

Once you and your dentist are satisfied, the veneers can be applied to your teeth. After this treatment, it is necessary to check the exact fit on the teeth and the functionality of the veneers again after one week.

For which patients are ceramic veneers advantageous?

For all patients who struggle with slight tooth misalignments or discoloured teeth, dental veneers are the way to conjure up beautiful teeth and a new smile again.

  • Discolouration (internal or external)
  • Defects in the tooth enamel
  • Uneven tooth surface
  • Misalignments, broken teeth, gaps between teeth
  • Teeth damaged in accidents
  • Improvement in tooth shape


What are the different types of veneers?

Depending on your teeth’s condition, your dentist will choose a procedure and a type of veneer. 

The different veneers vary in thickness, method of application and material.

  • Conventional veneers
    Conventional veneers usually consist of a 1 mm thick ceramic layer and are custom-made with the help of an impression of the patient’s teeth. After a light abrasion of the enamel, they are bonded to the tooth and cured under a blue light lamp.


  • Non-prep veneers (non-invasive veneers)
    With a thickness of 0.3 mm, this option is much thinner than conventional veneers. Non-prep veneers can be bonded to the teeth without preparation. This means that the teeth do not need to be treated or anaesthetised, which is why the application of non-prep veneers is considered to be a painless treatment.
  • Composite veneers
    Composite veneers, made from dental acrylics, are used as temporary protection before conventional veneers are delivered by our dental technician. Similar to instant veneers, they are fitted to the tooth and bonded directly.


  • Instant veneers (veneers-to-go) 
    Instant veneers do require some removal of enamel from the tooth surface, but not as much as conventional veneers. Your dentist will fit your instant veneers to your teeth directly during the treatment and insert them immediately. In most cases, only one appointment is needed, as standardised veneer templates are used for instant veneers. This eliminates the need for cost-intensive fabrication in a dental laboratory.

Case study from our practice in Mainz

Aesthetic veneers treatment

Left: After picture
Right: Before picture


No, veneers made of ceramic do not discolour.

This material is not only very colourfast, but is also ideal for the manufacture of ceramic veneers due to several of its other properties:

  • Translucent and reflects light
  • Perfect imitation in colour and surface
  • Good durability and compatibility
  • Smooth surface allows for very little build-up

Veneers are made of ceramic and last a very long time. As a rule, about 2% of the ceramic shells detach from the tooth after about six years, but the majority of veneers last well over ten years.

You should take care of your new ceramic veneers just as you would your own teeth. To do this, we recommend daily oral hygiene, regular check-ups with your dentist and occasional professional teeth cleaning. If you grind your teeth, a grinding splint is recommended to protect your veneers from being damaged while you sleep.

There are no restrictions. Anything you expect of your natural teeth will work with veneers without any restrictions.

When applying non-prep veneers, the teeth are not ground, but the tooth surface must be etched before bonding. The tooth substance is thus somewhat removed, unlike with bleaching.

As a purely aesthetic treatment, ceramic veneers are not considered a dental prosthesis. Therefore, health insurance companies do not cover the application of veneers and patients have to bear the veneer costs themselves. In rare cases, these costs may be partially or completely covered if sufficient grounds exist. However, this varies from health insurance company to health insurance company. How high the costs will be depends on the material used and the complexity.

Any questions, suggestions, preferred appointment times?

We look forward to hearing from you by calling 06131 32 78 70 , by email at or book your appointment directly:

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