Dentist Periodontology Mainz

Early detection is the most important

Your specialist for periodontology in Mainz

Gingivitis – a widespread disease

Studies show that every second person over the age of 30 suffers from periodontitis or inflammation of the gums (gingivitis). And inflammation of the gums can have devastating consequences: more teeth are lost to periodontitis than to tooth decay.

The risk of developing periodontitis varies from person to person. It is important to recognise the disease at an early stage in order to preserve teeth and to stop it before irreversible damage to teeth and gums can occur.

What is periodontitis?

Periodontosis or paradontosis (inflammation of the gums) is an infectious disease caused by certain bacteria and can lead to chronic inflammation of the entire periodontium.

Oral hygiene, age, lifestyle, general condition and the patient’s genetic predisposition influence the severity of the patient’s disease. 
In the case of bacterial infection, it is not only the teeth and gums that are affected. The disease damages the entire organism.

Special bacteria and their toxins are responsible for this. They enter the bloodstream through the blood vessels and trigger a series of reactions. They damage these vessels – and heart attacks, arteriosclerosis, miscarriages or premature births can result. Artificial joints (e.g. hip or knee joints) can also be infected by bacteria from the mouth. There is also a known connection between periodontitis bacteria and damage to the pancreas. As a result, less insulin is produced, which regulates blood sugar levels. A possible consequence is diabetes (blood sugar disease). Scientists even suspect a connection in diseases like rheumatism, Alzheimer’s and osteoporosis.

"Periodontics is only one branch of dentistry, but it is the basis for beautiful healthy teeth and extensive tooth replacement."

Risk factors for periodontitis

Inadequate oral hygiene, smoking, stress, an unhealthy diet, pregnancy, puberty or other hormonal changes have a negative effect on your natural teeth and can promote the development of periodontitis. Your specialist dentist for periodontology therefore recommends having your teeth cleaned regularly to keep the periodontium healthy.

Likewise, general diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, immune deficiency, metabolic diseases, nutritional disorders, blood diseases or gastrointestinal diseases can trigger or aggravate periodontal disease. Numerous medications such as anti-epileptic drugs, heart medications, psychotropic drugs, immuno-suppressants or the pill can also promote the development of gingivitis and cause severe damage to the entire periodontium.

Symptome einer Parodontitis

  • Bleeding of the gums, associated with redness and swelling
  • Loose teeth and bad breath
  • Recession of the gums at the necks of the teeth and in the interdental spaces
  • Formation of pockets at the gum edges

Healthy gums are pale pink, are close to the teeth necks and completely fill the spaces between the teeth. Bleeding of the gums does not occur.

Periodontitis is caused by bacterial plaque that irritates and then inflames the gums. The plaque on your natural teeth hardens into tartar if poorly cleaned. This also causes impairment and inflammation of the gums. For this reason, in our surgery we emphasise the enormous importance of good oral hygiene.

While inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) is still easily treatable, infestation of the entire periodontium and the accompanying tissue regression is irreversible. Typically, periodontitis progresses gradually and, above all, without pain until it develops into chronic periodontitis.

Our gentle therapy approaches

Your specialist periodontist has developed a specific diagnostic concept to get to the bottom of the cause of periodontitis. This enables us to offer you a well-founded, precise and sensible therapy that is precisely tailored to your needs.

Often, invasive interventions can be dispensed with during this therapy and gentle methods can be used to combat gingivitis. For instance, we use a special ultrasound procedure with simultaneous disinfecting rinsing and additional hand-held instruments. Here, ozone therapy can be used as a supportive measure. The ozone gas kills bacteria, fungi and viruses and also promotes wound healing in the case of periodontosis. A self-dissolving periochip (gelatine platelet soaked in chlorhexidine) can also be inserted into the gum pockets.

If pathogenic germs are still present after treatment at your Mainz dentist, we conclude the therapy with a combination antibiotic.

Depending on our findings – especially in the case of larger periodontal defects and inflammations – our patients also have the option of reconstruction using bone replacement materials or gum grafts.

Periodontitis can be prevented in many cases by a healthy lifestyle and good oral hygiene. This can be usefully supplemented by regular professional tooth cleaning and check-ups with your dentist in Mainz.

The sooner periodontitis is treated by a dentist, the greater the chances of success in preserving your teeth and relieving the pressure on the periodontium.


Periodontitis is a bacterial infection and cannot be cured. It is a chronic disease, but can be stopped with appropriate treatment. The recession of the gums and jawbone cannot be reversed, but under certain conditions it can be rebuilt with surgical interventions and replacement materials. Your periodontology specialist will give you good advice and explain tooth preservation methods.

Periodontal treatment consists of pre-treatment (two sessions), main treatment (one session) and aftercare (three appointments). Depending on the severity of the periodontitis, further appointments may be added. Regular check-ups or prophylaxis (2-4 times a year) with your specialist dentist is necessary post-treatment to maintain the success of the treatment.

If left untreated, periodontitis spreads to the periodontium and leads to a recession of the gums and jawbone due to the various processes of inflammation. The result is tooth loosening and tooth loss. In addition, the disease-causing bacteria also reach other parts of the body and promote other diseases.

There are no alternatives to periodontitis treatment, which involves thorough cleaning and disinfection of the areas affected by gingivitis. This is the only way to remove the disease-causing bacteria and push back the inflammation of the gums.

The treatment of periodontitis is carried out by your specialist dentist in Mainz under local anaesthetic. In addition, nitrous oxide or a general anaesthetic are available. After treatment, your gums may still be a little sensitive. In the case of additional surgical procedures, we recommend that our patients control their pain using a painkiller such as ibuprofen.

Any questions, suggestions, preferred appointment times?

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