Dentist Prophylaxis Mainz

Prevention is the best medicine

Your specialist for professional dental cleaning in Mainz

Studies show that 70–80% of all dental diseases can be prevented by means of regular prophylaxis

During professional dental cleaning, also known as prophylaxis, the teeth undergo a thorough cleaning. At regular check-ups, we at the RHEIN WEISS dental surgery check the condition of our patients’ teeth. If individual teeth or even the majority of your teeth are covered with hard and soft plaque, we recommend that you have prophylaxis carried out.

Your dentist and our specially trained staff will be happy to advise you on this topic and give you help and tips for a tooth-healthy diet as well as home dental care and oral hygiene.

Why prophylaxis?

Even a healthy diet and fluoride toothpaste cannot replace professional cleaning of the teeth at your dentist in Mainz. Because even with the best oral hygiene and dental care, the hard plaque that causes caries or periodontitis is not sufficiently removed. The result is often inflammatory diseases in the hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity, which increase the risk of certain general diseases in patients. For example, interactions between periodontitis and respiratory diseases – as well as an increased risk of heart attack and stroke – are discussed.

In pregnant women, periodontitis may lead to premature birth and lower birth weight. Conversely, diabetes, a weakened immune system and smoking increase the risk of caries and gingivitis.

To maintain healthy teeth and your general health, it therefore makes sense to have your teeth comprehensively cleaned by your Mainz dentist. We will be happy to advise you on the subject of prophylaxis in our surgery.


No bad breath

No discoloration

Radiantly beautiful teeth

Methods and aims of prophylaxis

PTC (professional teeth cleaning)

During professional teeth cleaning, our trained prophylaxis assistants gently remove bacterial plaque and tartar from the teeth. Your teeth are cleaned in our surgery in Mainz with the aid of ultrasonic devices or special hand-held instruments. A powder jet device can also be used to remove discolouration caused by coffee, tea or smoking. By removing hard and soft plaque from teeth, the metabolism of bacteria is inhibited, thus preventing bad breath. The patient’s tooth surfaces are then smoothed with a polishing paste to delay the reattachment of bacterial plaque to the teeth. To complete the treatment, fluoridation can be useful. It serves to remineralise the tooth substance, increases the resistance of the enamel to acids and thus prevents caries.

Implant prophylaxis

Regular implant cleaning is indispensable for the long-term preservation and best possible protection of your implant dentures. Bacterial plaque on your teeth can trigger inflammatory processes which, in the worst case, could result in the loss of your implants. Professional implant cleaning can effectively prevent inflammation of the gums in the implant area, which contributes to the long-term preservation of your implants.

Implant cleaning is carried out as part of a professional dental cleaning. Your natural teeth as well as your dentures, tongue and gums are cleaned gently but thoroughly by your dentist from Mainz. The use of special instruments and the procedure will be tailored exactly to your individual needs.

Periodontitis prophylaxis

In the case of existing periodontitis, individual measures of professional prophylaxis at the dentist are necessary after completion of the periodontal treatment, in addition to your own oral hygiene. These should be carried out at regular, ongoing intervals. This is the only way to counteract the progression of the disease with further destruction of the periodontium.

Fissure sealing

Fissures – depressions in the chewing surfaces of the molars – can be sealed with a tooth-coloured plastic during prophylaxis treatment. This prevents bacterial plaque from settling on your teeth.

"Professional teeth cleaning is a useful addition to home oral hygiene, as it not only removes stubborn plaque, but also polishes and seals the teeth."

Prevention during pregnancy

Hormonal changes during pregnancy also affect your gums. The blood supply to the gums increases and the tissues become looser. Bacteria can settle more easily and cause pregnancy gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). If you notice a sudden increase in bleeding gums on your own teeth, this is a first indication. Without dental treatment, this inflammation can spread to the entire periodontium (periodontitis). In the worst case, tooth loss can be the result. But the health and oral hygiene of the expectant mother is also fundamental to the unborn child’s well-being. According to scientific findings, untreated periodontitis can increase the risk of premature birth.

To prevent complications, we recommend that you come to our surgery for 2–3 check-ups during pregnancy. A complete PTC can be carried out in the middle third of pregnancy, ideally in the 14th–28th week.

However, the oral health of both parents is also important for the child after birth. The child can be infected with caries bacteria through saliva. Optimal oral hygiene, daily dental care and regular prophylaxis at your dentist will reduce the risk of caries.


Individual oral hygiene, careful dental care and regular check-ups and treatments at your dentist are essential to prevent diseases of the teeth and gums. PTC is a sensible addition to daily oral hygiene, as it not only removes stubborn plaque, but also polishes and seals the teeth. Thorough cleaning is therefore not only essential for proper oral hygiene, but also makes it more difficult for plaque to re-colonise and for caries to form.

A PTC in our dental surgery usually takes 45 to 60 min.

Dental prophylaxis should be carried out once or twice a year for healthy teeth and gums. In the case of dental implants and periodontitis patients, prophylaxis should be carried out three to four times a year.

The cost of PTC for patients with statutory health insurance is 90 euros. Patients with private health insurance are billed according to the Scale of Fees for Dentists (GOZ).

Statutory health insurance covers the costs of individual prophylaxis for children up to the age of 17. All patients over the age of 17 have to pay for individual prophylaxis themselves.

If you want to enjoy good dental health and clean teeth well into old age, you should have regular professional cleaning as a preventive measure. This is because implant or tooth-supported dentures are more difficult to clean. Therefore, regular prophylaxis appointments with your dentist in Mainz are highly recommended. This measure can prevent peri-implantitis or implant loss at an early stage.

PTC is a mechanical cleaning of your teeth, during which plaque is removed that the toothbrush can no longer remove. As a rule, this treatment is not painful. However, exposed tooth necks can be sensitive to the cleaning.

In the first hours post-prophylaxis, your teeth are dried out and gratefully absorb any liquid. The consumption of tea, coffee, red wine or nicotine should therefore be avoided at all costs during this time, as this can lead to discolouration of your white teeth.

Especially during pregnancy, the gums are very susceptible to inflammation due to hormonal changes. Dental plaque provides a good breeding ground for bacteria, which is why careful oral hygiene and dental care are very important during pregnancy. Dental prophylaxis is therefore crucial, especially during pregnancy. However, cleaning should only be carried out in the second trimester of pregnancy.

The prevention of tartar plays an important role in daily oral hygiene using a toothbrush and dental floss. Once the soft and hard plaque is on the teeth, toothbrush and dental floss can no longer do anything. A lot of care is therefore needed to maintain a healthy tooth surface of your permanent teeth. Your Mainz dentist recommends regular cleaning with a manual or electric toothbrush and a toothpaste containing fluoride. Fluoride inhibits bacterial growth and contributes to dental health just like a healthy and balanced diet. Dental prophylaxis is a complementary measure for proper dental care and is therefore essential for your teeth.

Any questions, suggestions, preferred appointment times?

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