Treatment procedure
1. Impression
The dentist prepares your teeth for the application of the ceramic veneers. To do this, he or she lightly removes a millimetre-thin layer of enamel from the tooth surface. We perform this procedure under a local anaesthetic.
The prepared teeth are now ready for the impression – an impression of your teeth that is needed to make the veneers. To protect your teeth, your dentist will apply porcelain at some points as temporary protection.
2. Fabrication
Based on the impression of your teeth, our dental technician makes the appropriate veneers in our surgery’s own laboratory. To do this, he fills plaster into the mould of the impression and produces the ceramic veneers by hand.
It takes about two weeks until the temporary ceramic protection on your teeth can be exchanged for the classic veneers, during which time your individual ceramic veneers are made.
3. Fitting & insertion
Before you can try on your all-ceramic veneers, your dentist will first remove the temporary ceramic protection.
Once you and your dentist are satisfied, the veneers can be applied to your teeth. After this treatment, it is necessary to check the exact fit on the teeth and the functionality of the veneers again after one week.