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Tags #Patient information #Dentist Mainz
08. June 2021
due to the current situation regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2) we are trying to organize the treatment process in our practice in Mainz as optimal as possible.
Therefore, we ask you to observe the following instructions:
If you show symptoms of an acute respiratory illness (cough, fever, chills, headache and pain in the limbs, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath, fatigue, loss of appetite) and have been in a risk area in the last 14 days or have had contact with Corona patients or persons from risk areas, we ask you not to visit the practice. Please contact us by telephone at 06131/327870 so that we can clarify the further procedure with you.
If possible, the appointment should be attended without accompanying persons. We make every effort to treat you or your child without waiting time and to keep the number of people in the waiting room as low as possible.
Teeth should please already be brushed at home.
For your protection and the protection of others, we regret to inform you that there will be no handshaking at this time.
Please follow the instructions , so that we can continue to be there for you!
We thank you very much for your trust and understanding!
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